Sunday, February 14, 2010

How Do You Disable Defender Pro 2010 How Do You Get Rid Of The Xp Windows Logon Screen With User, Pass, Domian And Switch To Fast User Switching?

How do you get rid of the xp windows logon screen with user, pass, domian and switch to fast user switching? - how do you disable defender pro 2010

I have to disable the login screen that the user name, password and domain, and Fast User Switching to switch. The computer is also strong shaking his usual, crazy even let me install Windows Defender, and I am indebted to the administrator as well. Your XP Pro SP2


  1. go to Control Panel> User Accounts> Change> the way users log on and then select the welcome screen for fast user switching

  2. Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Fast User Switching / in which users connect in touch

  3. go to Control Panel> User Accounts> Change> the way users log on and then select the welcome screen for fast user switching
